Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week One: Getting to Know You, Or TMI

My favorite part of the first week in teaching this course is always going back through and reading everyone's "10 Things About Me" posts. There's always a fascinating blend of the strange and the familiar. Many people share their likes (their pets, snowboarding, the Giants, spicy food), as well as their dislikes (spiders, the sound of chewing, feet, odd numbers). Everyone has hidden dimensions that make us different, but sometimes we can see ourselves clearly in another person. Nonetheless, I think it's going to be an interesting semester.

Just to be fair, here's a few things about me:

1) This is the song I can't get enough of right now.
2) I am on the Board of Directors of the 1078 Gallery. It's an amazing place. You should come by sometime.
3) If I wasn't a teacher, I would probably be a therapist. Sometimes they seem similar.
4) I wish hats looked better on me.
5) My handle on Words With Friends is "dearsarie" if you want to play.
6) I love the Flight of the Conchords. This is just one reason why.

This semester will be a little different since you all will be on BBLearn with your blogs and I will stay out here in the blogosphere. Just check back to this space every week or so. It'll be a place to get some extra info on the topics we discuss and to continue the conversations we start in class.

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